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Sea Shore


Global law firm - partner promotion

This global law firm sought to add rigour to their partner promotion process. Dove-tailing into their broader promotion's process, the project received outstanding feedback from participants as well as garnering widespread respect across the Firm over a number of years.   


Tech start up - top team profiling

The top team of an exciting new tech start up sought to learn more about themselves - how to leverage off their strengths and identify key areas to work on, better understand each other and how best to work as a team. They went on to win blue chip clients and sold to a private equity firm. 


International infrastructure group - bid team selection

To increase their chances of winning a bid for a major piece of work, participants were assessed against the criteria of the bid selection process and ranked according to who would perform best. These individuals then underwent a preparatory development session. This project enabled the group to put their best team forward and contributed to them successfully securing this piece of work.

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